THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVA is the new state of the World which become free in 1999 and declares its Independence in 2008 from ex.Yugoslavia (Serbia). Kosova is one a small country located in Balkan in South&Eastern Europe, surrounded by neighbors: Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. In Kosovo living more than 95% ethnic albanians and other : serbs, turks, bosnian etc...
Kosovo it was Albanian land always since exist the human people in Europe more than 2000 years at that time it was called Dardania under the ILIRIA Empire.
Since has came in Balkan the Ottoman Empire it was under their control until 1912 when Serbia with support of the some European Powers take control over the country , they occupied Kosovo, and seperate more than 50 % of the territory of Albania and Albanian Lands.
After the First and Second World War's has created the Federation of Yugoslavia when Kosovo had take the status of the Authonom Province until 1989 when serbian terror state has occupied again Kosovo and they has continue with their violence over the people and all legal institutions of Kosovo. Kosovo people ( ethnic albanians) has continue with their demostrations and they beggin military resistance in 1997 when has created the Kosovo Liberation Army which has fight for freedom, liberation and independence for almost 3 years when with support of NATO alliance Kosovo became free in June of 1999.
Kosovo in 2008 declares its Independence and until today that has recognise at least 71 countries from all over the World.
So i invite all you friends who live in these country which has not recognise the legal Independence of Kosovo to take your action to your influence into yours state government to do that soon as a possible.
Thank You...
By : Jetoni Gajtani,
Kristianstad, Sweden , 3 November 2010
Republic of Kosova declares independence.
February 17th 2008, at 15:49 CET
We are honored and humbled that it is our generation that lives to see this day,
and we are aware and ready to take up the path that begins from here.
Our future is with Europe.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for standing by us in the worst of times.
In memory of those that gave and lost their lives, loved ones, and those that are still missing.
May peace and light prevail.Republic of Kosova is about 2 years and a half old.
Recognized or announced the recognition of Republic of Kosova
Formally/Informally recognized by 71 out of 192 United Nations (UN) membersFormally Recognized by 71 UN countries
(Formally recognized by 22 European Union (EU) Member States)
Thank you very much! Kili so chapur! Kelangan! Kulo maluhlap! Kam magar!!!
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. (December 5, 2008)

Kosovo it was Albanian land always since exist the human people in Europe more than 2000 years at that time it was called Dardania under the ILIRIA Empire.
Since has came in Balkan the Ottoman Empire it was under their control until 1912 when Serbia with support of the some European Powers take control over the country , they occupied Kosovo, and seperate more than 50 % of the territory of Albania and Albanian Lands.
After the First and Second World War's has created the Federation of Yugoslavia when Kosovo had take the status of the Authonom Province until 1989 when serbian terror state has occupied again Kosovo and they has continue with their violence over the people and all legal institutions of Kosovo. Kosovo people ( ethnic albanians) has continue with their demostrations and they beggin military resistance in 1997 when has created the Kosovo Liberation Army which has fight for freedom, liberation and independence for almost 3 years when with support of NATO alliance Kosovo became free in June of 1999.
Kosovo in 2008 declares its Independence and until today that has recognise at least 71 countries from all over the World.
So i invite all you friends who live in these country which has not recognise the legal Independence of Kosovo to take your action to your influence into yours state government to do that soon as a possible.
Thank You...
By : Jetoni Gajtani,
Kristianstad, Sweden , 3 November 2010
Republic of Kosova declares independence.
February 17th 2008, at 15:49 CET
We are honored and humbled that it is our generation that lives to see this day,
and we are aware and ready to take up the path that begins from here.
Our future is with Europe.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for standing by us in the worst of times.
In memory of those that gave and lost their lives, loved ones, and those that are still missing.
May peace and light prevail.
Republic of Kosova is about 2 years and a half old.February 17th 2008, at 15:49 CET
We are honored and humbled that it is our generation that lives to see this day,
and we are aware and ready to take up the path that begins from here.
Our future is with Europe.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for standing by us in the worst of times.
In memory of those that gave and lost their lives, loved ones, and those that are still missing.
May peace and light prevail.
Recognized or announced the recognition of Republic of Kosova
Formally/Informally recognized by 71 out of 192 United Nations (UN) members
Formally Recognized by 71 UN countries
(Formally recognized by 22 European Union (EU) Member States)
(Formally recognized by 22 European Union (EU) Member States)
Thank you very much! Kili so chapur! Kelangan! Kulo maluhlap! Kam magar!!!

(December 5, 2008)